. . . a drive-way?

Hello, and welcome to ‘Hymns from a Drive-way’ - a newsletter written by a person who:

A) doesn’t have a driver

B) doesn’t know to drive

C) has neither a car nor a drive-way

— and just has words to say, words to write, words to be.

Drive-ways and hymns are liminal spaces: they move, shift, and become new things every day—hell, every minute. That’s what I am, reader, a person whose eyes, songs, and words combust and shift every minute. And this drive-way is a record of that.

about the person

(AKA re-introducing myself after a whole year of silence)

Hello, I’m Keerthana A (she/they), a bookworm and a student of literature from Mumbai, India. Currently, my days are constantly consumed with entrance exam and college exam prep; but usually involve reading books and reading about books wherever I can. I’m also currently working on my debut chapbook, and looking for homes for the writings I love.

way back home

To my readers, sorry for the radio silence. Please feel free to yell about it in my comments. I’m here for good, for this is the way back home—back to feeling the way in which I’ve always felt while writing.

Thank you for being here, and see you every Friday.

Subscribe to hymns from a driveway

a collection of diaries where a driver-less, car-less person learns to writing and life all over again


to love / to love / to love